Young Collectors 2023 Art

Introducing CULTURED's 2023 Young Collectors List

If the 1990s and the aughts were the decades of Rockefeller- and Peggy Guggenheim-sized mega-collectors, then the 2020s are the era of the connoisseur. CULTURED’s sixth annual Young Collectors list spotlights a new generation of curious and energized art buyers who trust in their instincts and are guided by their communities. As these newcomers grow more comfortable calling themselves collectors, their investment in the arts reflects a commitment to nurturing the experimental, diverse, and aesthetically exquisite. The truth is, collecting has never been more personal.

Reilly Opelka
Hannah Bronfman
Seth Stolbun
Frederick Hutson
Emmanuel Tarpin and Marc Ambrus
Georgia Ford
Deidrea Miller and Jens Schott Knudsen
Sonya Yu
David Liu
Ashley Merrill
Adam Mashaal