This is the Art of Living Well, a column from CULTURED that explores how tastemakers think about luxury: the luxuries that are free, the ones that cost way too much, and the little ones that punch above their weight.
Marisa Meltzer has seen the dark underbelly of the beauty world. In her new book, Glossy, she explores the extraordinary rise of the makeup and skincare brand Glossier and its founder, Emily Weiss. It’s a tale of venture-backed expansion and girlboss feminism that bills itself as “The Devil Wears Prada for the Bad Blood generation.” Published by Atria, the book is out on Sep. 12. Ahead of its release, we asked the author to unpack her own beauty and wellness rituals.
What product do you use every day that instantly improves your mood?
My Nespresso machine.
What is a splurge you reserve for special occasions?
A massage, preferably from Liz at Citywell in Brooklyn.
What’s your favorite small luxury to give to someone else?
Chanel cotton pads for removing makeup that are embossed with the logo.

What do you do when you need to feel grounded?
Alone time.
What is something you’d love for someone to buy for you, but would never buy for yourself?
There's not a lot I wouldn't buy for myself if I could. Maybe a farm so I could finally have donkeys and satanic-looking goats.
What’s a generic that’s just as good as the original?
What’s your favorite smell?
What’s a luxurious ritual you inherited from someone in your life?
My parents are both bath people. They see it as something that's normal, that doesn't have to be special or drawn out. I don't know if my mother has ever taken a shower.
What is the best thing you’ve put on your face recently?
Rationale's The GelCreme. The texture is so good.
What is your favorite luxury that costs less than $20?
Coke Zero from a movie theater.

What’s a wellness ritual you think is overrated?
Any kind of at-home device that's supposed to improve your skin.
What is the most luxurious thing in your life that’s free?
Being able to do most of my errands on foot.