Brandon Drew Holmes’ artist books and performances are vital, critical readings of contemporary art and art history, breaking down a record of art world white supremacy. The L.A.- based Holmes is currently at work on three books—a fanfic about Kanye West, a manifesto and a diary from his year of living in L.A. that also serves as a critique on Bas Jan Ader’s “walking in L.A.” series.

How do you know a work you’ve made is good? When I’m no longer stressed out about it on a personal level. On an outward level, I know it’s good when a peer of mine has made a point to come up to me and say something about it.
What was your first gallery experience? My 11th-grade class and I exhibited at the Corcoran Museum in the student’s gallery. That experience was hectic. We made and installed all the work ourselves. It really set a structure in my life with exhibits in general. They are what they are, and there’s no reason to get stressed out about them.

If you could trade with anyone, who would it be? Off the top of my head, I would probably pick William Hawkins.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? ‘Kill them with kindness,’ from my mother.
How did you fund your first works? Working minimum-wage jobs in the industry, saving up, and being frugal using the materials at hand. When you aren’t in the studio, where are you? I’m most likely at a park or dancing at a club with my friends.